The package PTIM (HR Time Management Application Development) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package HRRXX.
Package | PTIM |
Short Text | HR Time Management Application Development |
Parent Package | HRRXX |
SAP Package PTIM contains 110 function groups.
0PDL | Incentive Wages |
0PL2 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PL4 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PT2 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PX3 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PX4 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PX6 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PX8 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXB | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXE | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXH | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXJ | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PXT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0PYA | Maintaince Views: Quota Compensation |
ABSE | Object Type Absence |
HR_ESS_WORKFLOW | Function Modules for Workflow |
HR_WFM_DATE | PT Service Modules for WFM |
HRB2 | Evaluations for Time Accounting |
HRCO | HR: Communication Channel 1, Release 3.X |
HRESSXX_REP | ESS: International Reporting |
HRGL | Read Leave Data |
HRLV | Absence Quota Generation |
HRMS | Time Evaluation Interface: MMSRV |
HRMS_QUERY_TIME_MANAGEMENT | Function Group: Additional Query Fields |
HRMS_QUERY_TIME_TEXT | Reading of texts for addtnl query fields |
HRTA | Reporting for Attendance/Absence Data |
HRTE | HR-TIM: Time Management Environment |
HRTIM00_PT40_DOC_VIEW | PT40: Document View (ALV) |
HRTIM00_PT40_LIST_FILL | GUI lists for infotypes and cluster tab. |
HRTIM00_REP_SIM | Driver for Reporting from Simulation |
HRTIM00_TMW_COLLISION | Collision Check in the TMW |
HRTIM00ABSATTEXT | External interface for 2001/2002 |
HRTIM00ABSENCE | Absence Calculation |
HRTIM00ACTALLOC | Interface to Activity Allocation |
HRTIM00ACTUALTIMES | Calculation of Actual Personnel Times |
HRTIM00ALP | Different Payment |
HRTIM00ALV_STRUCT | Generate dynamic structures for ALV |
HRTIM00ATT_CHECK | Attendance Check |
HRTIM00BAPI | General functions for BAPIs |
HRTIM00BAPIABSATT | BAPIs attendances/absences |
HRTIM00BAPIPTWS | HR-TIM: Work Schedule, Time Data |
HRTIM00BUS7013 | BUS7013 PTimOverview |
HRTIM00CALCTIMES | Counting of Actual Personnel Times |
HRTIM00CALENDAR | Time Recording Calendar |
HRTIM00CATT_B2 | Read Tables from Cluster B2 for CATT |
HRTIM00CATT_COLL | Auxiliary Modules for Collision Test |
HRTIM00CC1 | HR-CA: CC1 environment |
HRTIM00CC1SELECT | Supply Mini-Master Record Data |
HRTIM00COLLISION | Collision of Time Infotypes |
HRTIM00COV_HIST | History of Absence Valuation |
HRTIM00DECOLOG | Modules for Decoupling HR and Logistics |
HRTIM00F4HELP | F4 Help |
HRTIM00FEATURES | Read Features |
HRTIM00OVERTIME | Time Evaluation Overtime Determination |
HRTIM00PAIRCONS | Pair Formation |
HRTIM00PAIRDAYA | Pair Formation: Day Assignment |
HRTIM00PAIRDPROG | Pair Formation: Work Schedules |
HRTIM00PAIREATTR | Time Events: Attributes |
HRTIM00PAIREVENT | Time Events Table Maintenance(Generated) |
HRTIM00PAIRSTATE | Pair Formation Status Machine |
HRTIM00PAIRT705B | Pair Formation: Customer Functions |
HRTIM00PAIRUTIL | Pair Formation: General Functions |
HRTIM00PAIRVALU | Evaluate Time Events |
HRTIM00PAIRVIEW2 | Pair Formation Table Maintenance (Gen.) |
HRTIM00PAIRWCHECK | Check Functions for Time Ticket Gen. |
HRTIM00PAIRWCONS | Time Ticket Generation From Pairs |
HRTIM00PAIRWSTATE | Time Ticket Gen.: Pair State Mechanism |
HRTIM00PAIRWVIEW | Time Ticket Generation Table Maint.(Gen) |
HRTIM00PERSONSELECTION | Employee Selection |
HRTIM00PNP | Interface: SAPDBPNP / HRTIM log. IT |
HRTIM00QUODEDBUFFER | Buffer for Daily Quota Deduction |
HRTIM00QUODEDDISPLAY | Function Group: Display Quota Deduction |
HRTIM00QUOTADEDUCTION | Deduction of Personnel Time Quotas |
HRTIM00RCCALCTIMES | Valuation of Working Times |
HRTIM00REMINFO | Employee Remuneration Info |
HRTIM00SAPFP50L | HRTIM Wage Type Checks |
HRTIM00SUBSTITUTION | Validation of Substitutions |
HRTIM00TEDT | Functions for RPTEDT00 |
HRTIM00UTILITY | Time Evaluation: Tools/Environment/etc. |
HRTIM00VIEW | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRTIM00VIEWEXT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
HRTIM00WORK-SCHED-CONVERT | Replacement Modules for Func. Group RPTM |
HRTM | HR-TIM: Simulation of Time Evaluation |
HRTP | HR-TIM: Print Time Evaluation Results |
HRTZ | Time Evaluation:Conditions for TIP Pairs |
PEWT | User Exits for RPIEWTXX |
PT_GUI_WORKSCHEDULE | Dialog Box for Work Schedules |
PTEX | External Interfaces |
PTWS | HR-TIM: Personal Work Schedule |
RP95 | User Commands in Interactive Lists |
RP96 | Document View |
RP96ALV | Document view |
RP97 | Adjust Incorrect PDC Time Tickets |
RP98 | GUI Lists for Infotypes and Cluster Tab. |
RPAK | Functions Business Objects (HR-TIM) |
RPBD | HR-TIM: CC1 Processing |
RPBI | HR: Batch Input |
RPCA | Function Modules for CATT Procedures |
RPMM | Create Mini-Master Record |
RPPD | HR-TIM: Plant Data Collection |
RPTC | HR-TIM: Connection to Time Rec. Systems |
RPTI | Time Management on the Internet |
RPTK | Collision Display for HR Time Management |
RPTM | HR Time Management |
RPWU | HR Incentive Wages Update |
TIQU | Time quota |
SAP Package PTIM contains 111 transactions.
OG04 | Customizing: Country-Spec. Features |
OG05 | Customizing: Dyn. Schema Selection |
OG07 | Current settings Time Management |
P201 | Transfer T514D/V from Client 000 |
PA05 | Number Range Maintenance: RP_COIFT |
PA06 | Number Range Maintenance: PD_SEQ_NR |
PA09 | Number Range Maintenance: HR_MMSRV |
PA51 | Display Time Data |
PA53 | Display Time Data |
PA61 | Maintain Time Data |
PA62 | List Entry of Additional Data |
PA63 | Maintain Time Data |
PA64 | Calendar Entry |
PA71 | Fast Entry of Time Data |
PC00_M99_CLSTPC | Absences - International |
PC00_M99_TLEA | Annual leave listing International |
PC00_M99_TLEA30 | Annual leave update International |
PE50 | PE50 |
PT_55400 | Examine Table T554S |
PT_ABS20_ATT | Attendance/Absence Data: Overview |
PT_BAL00 | Cumulated Time Evaluation Results |
PT_BPC00 | Generate Personal Calendar |
PT_BPC10 | Leave Accrual and Quota Deduction |
PT_CLSTB1 | Temp. Time Eval. Results (ClusterB1) |
PT_CLSTB2 | Time Evaluation Results (Cluster B2) |
PT_CLSTPC | Cluster PC: Personal Calendar |
PT_DOW00 | Time Accounts |
PT_DSH20 | Daily Work Schedule |
PT_EDT_TEDT | Time Statement |
PT_EDT_TELU | Time Balances Overview |
PT_ERL00 | Time Evaluation Messages: Analysis |
PT_ILVA00 | Leave Accrual |
PT_LEA40_ABS | Att./Absences: Graphical Overview |
PT_LEA40_ATT | Att./Absences: Graphical Overview |
PT_LEACONV | Transfer Remaining Leave from IT0005 |
PT_QABS | Absences: List |
PT_QATT | Attendances: List |
PT_QREM | Employee Remuneration Information |
PT_QTA00 | Generate Absence Quotas |
PT_QTA10 | Absence Quota Information |
PT_QTAL | Employee Time and Labor |
PT_REOPC | Reorg. Pers. Calender (Cluster PC) |
PT_SHF00 | Generation of Work Schedules |
PT_UPD00 | Revaluation of Att./Absence Records |
PT_UTPR00 | Revaluate Daily Work Schedules |
PT_UWSH00 | Revaluate Planned Working Time IT |
PT00 | Time Management |
PT01 | Create Work Schedule |
PT02 | Change Work Schedule |
PT03 | Display Work Schedule |
PT10 | Number Range Maintenance: PTM_DOCNR |
PT11 | Number Range Maintenance: PTM_QUONR |
PT12 | Number Range Maintenance: HRAA_PDOC |
PT40 | PDC Error Transaction |
PT41 | Customizing CC1 Communication Param. |
PT42 | Supply Personnel Data |
PT43 | Supply Master Data |
PT44 | Upload Request |
PT45 | Post Person Time Events |
PT46 | Post Working Time Events |
PT50 | Quota Overview |
PT60 | Time Evaluation |
PT61 | Time Statement |
PT62 | Attendance List |
PT63 | Personal Work Schedule |
PT64 | Absence List |
PT65 | Graphical Attendance/Abs. Overview |
PT66 | Display Cluster B2 |
PT67 | Third-Party Payroll |
PT68 | Activity Allocation |
PT69 | Multiple Time Recording |
PT70 | Time Management Info System |
PT705B | Display Features |
PT71 | Tool Selection for Time Management |
PT80 | CC1: Manager |
PT90 | Absences: Calendar View |
PT90_ATT | Attendances: Calendar View |
PT91 | Absences: For Multiple Employees |
PT91_ATT | Attendances: For Multiple Employees |
PTCCX | Test Environment |
PTE1 | Generate Batch Input Session |
PTE2 | Process Batch Input Session |
PTE3 | Reorganize Interface File |
PZ04 | Time statement |
PZ04_OLD | Time Statement |
PZ09 | Time accounts |
PZ17_OLD | Work Schedule |
PZ34 | ESS Time Management |
S_AHR_61018652 | Time Leveling |
S_AHR_61018653 | Time Leveling |
S_AHR_61018654 | Remuneration Statements |
S_AHR_61018655 | Remuneration Statements |
S_AHR_61018656 | Remuneration Statements |
S_AHR_61018657 | Att./Absences: Graphical Overview |
S_AHR_61018658 | Att./Absences: Graphical Overview |
S_AHR_61018659 | Attendance/Absence Data: Overview |
S_AHR_61018660 | Att./Absence Data: Calendar View |
S_AHR_61018661 | Display Temporary Assignment List |
S_L9C_94000892 | IMG Activity: PAY_XX_AB_305 |
S_L9C_94000903 | IMG Activity: PAY_XX_AB_306 |
S_PH0_48000380 | Transfer Remaining Leave from IT0005 |
S_PH0_48000381 | Generate Absence Quotas |
S_PH9_46000588 | Time Evaluation Messages Display |
WS01000109 | Cancel Leave Request |
WS01000109M | Dummy for Authorization for Canc. WF |
WS04200009 | Leave Request |
WS04200009M | Approve Leave Request |
WS12400005 | Cancel Leave Request |
WS12400005M | Dummy for Authorization for Canc. WF |
WS20000081 | Leave Request |
WS20000081M | Approve Leave Request |
SAP Package PTIM contains 200 database tables.
AFRUHR | Order Confirmations for HR |
ASSHR | Assignment of HR to AFRU/ASSOB |
ASSOB | Assignment Objects |
CC1ERH | Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Header Information |
CC1ERM | Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Error Messages |
CC1ERP | Incorrect Time Events from CC1, Postings |
CC1PAR | Communication Parameters |
CC1TEV | Temporary Buffer for Time Events from CC1 |
CC2TIM | Table of Planned Changes: HR Actual Times for CC2 Available |
COIFT | Interface to Activity Allocation |
HRAAERR | Error Table for Activity Allocation Documents in HR |
HRAAHDR | HR Interface Table: Document Header for Activity Allocation |
HRAAITM | HR Interface Table: Document Item for Activity Allocation |
HRESSAPPROVER | Store Last Approver to be Chosen |
P0ASB | Assignment Subsystem -> PDC Group |
PA0005 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement) |
PA0007 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time) |
PA0050 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording) |
PA0080 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection) |
PA0081 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service) |
PA0082 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data) |
PA0083 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation) |
PA0416 | Time Quota Compensation Infotype: Database Table |
PA2001 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences) |
PA2002 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances) |
PA2003 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions) |
PA2004 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability) |
PA2005 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime) |
PA2006 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas) |
PA2007 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas) |
PA2010 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.) |
PA2012 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications) |
PA2013 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections) |
PA2500 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2500 |
PA2501 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2501 |
PA2502 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2502 |
PTEX2000 | Interface Table for Attendances/Absences Infotype(2001/2002) |
PTEX2003GEN | Interface Table for IT 2003: General Information |
PTEX2003SPEC | Interface Table for IT 2003: Interval Information |
PTEX2010 | Interface Table for EE Remuneration Info. Infotype (2010) |
PTEXDIR | Interface Table for Infotypes (Directory Table) |
PTIMEOV1 | Overview of an Employee's Time Data, Part 1 |
PTIMEOV2 | Overview of an Employee's Time Data, Part 2 |
PTMLEACONV | Assignment Table IT0005 - IT2006 (RPTLEACONV Report) |
PTQUODED | Deduction of Time Quotas |
T508A | Work Schedule Rules |
T508S | Text Table for Work Schedule Rules (T508A) |
T508T | Texts for Employee Subgroup Groupings for Work Schedules |
T508Z | Assignment of PS Grouping for Work Schedules to Daily WS |
T510I | Standard Working Hours |
T510P | Premium Table |
T510S | Time Wage Type Selection |
T510T | Premium Texts |
T510V | Check Table For Processing Types in T510S (WT Generation) |
T510X | WTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MMS |
T510Z | Texts for Time Wage Type Selection Rules |
T533 | Leave Types |
T533T | Leave Type Texts |
T550A | Daily Work Schedule |
T550P | Break Schedules |
T550S | Daily Work Schedule Texts |
T550X | Daily Work Schedule Selection Rules |
T551A | Period Work Schedules |
T551C | Period Work Schedule Valuation |
T551S | Period Work Schedule Texts |
T552A | Monthly Work Schedule |
T552V | Dynamic Daily Work Schedule Assignment |
T552W | Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap |
T553A | Definition Rules for Day Types |
T553S | Day Types for Special Days |
T553T | Day Type Texts |
T554A | Breakdown of Absences After Quota Deduction |
T554C | Absence Valuation |
T554D | Military Service Ranks |
T554E | Counting Classes for Absence Valuation |
T554F | Counting Classes for Absence Valuation |
T554G | Types of Birth |
T554H | Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences |
T554HT | Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences: Texts (for T554H) |
T554L | Absence Valuation Rules |
T554M | Absences for Maternity Protection: Rule Table |
T554N | Texts for Day Rules |
T554O | Valuation Classes |
T554P | Symbols for Attendances and Absences (Calendar) |
T554Q | Assignment of Valuation of Absences |
T554R | Day Rules for Absence Valuation |
T554S | Attendance and Absence Types |
T554S_ESSEX | ESS: Deactivation of Attendance/Absence types |
T554T | Absence and Attendance Texts |
T554V | Defaults for Absence Types |
T554W | Periods of Military Service |
T554X | Rules for Attendance/Absence Counting and Leave Deduction |
T554Y | Time Constraints in HR TIME |
T5550 | [OBSOLETE, NOW USE T705Q] Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem Txt |
T555A | Time Types |
T555B | Time Type Texts |
T555C | Permitted PDC PIN Codes |
T555D | [OBSOLETE, NOW USE T705A] Abs./Attendance Reasons Subsystem |
T555E | Time Evaluation Messages |
T555F | Time Evaluation Error Texts |
T555G | [OBSOLETE, NOW USE T705H] Att./Absence Reasons Subssys. Text |
T555H | Site-Restricted Access Control Groups |
T555I | PDC Master Record Information |
T555J | Transfer to Time Types |
T555K | Transfer to Time Wage Types |
T555L | Transfer to Absence Quotas |
T555M | PDC Accounting Types |
T555N | Employee Grouping for the Time Evaluation Rule |
T555O | Access Control Groups (time-restricted) |
T555P | Employee Time Transfer Type |
T555Q | Texts for Time Transfer Type |
T555R | Overtime Compensation Types |
T555T | Overtime Compensation Type Texts |
T555U | Employee Time Management status |
T555V | Employee Status for Time Management: Texts |
T555W | [OBSOLETE, NOW USE T705K] Ext. Wages Types from Subsystem |
T555X | Texts for Access Control Groups (time-restricted) |
T555Y | Processing Type/Time Type According to Att./Absence Class |
T555Z | Time Type Determination |
T556 | Substitution Types |
T556A | Absence Quota Types |
T556B | Absence Quota Type Texts |
T556C | Counting Rule for Attendances and Absences |
T556D | Absence Counting With/Without Quotas Texts |
T556E | Rule Group (Coverage Package) |
T556F | Texts for Rule Group (Coverage Package) |
T556G | Rule for Day Markers in Coverage History |
T556H | Texts for Rule on Determining the Coverage History |
T556M | Process Partial-Day Absences Using XNAB Function |
T556P | Attendance Quotas |
T556Q | Attendance Quota Type Texts |
T556R | Rules for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas |
T556S | Texts for Deduction Sequence Rules for Absence Quotas |
T556T | Substitution Type Texts |
T556U | Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types |
T556V | Texts for Attendance/Absence Quota Compensation Types |
T556W | Wage Type Assignment for Att./Absence Quota Compensations |
T557 | Availability Types |
T557T | Availability Types Texts |
T559A | Working Weeks |
T559B | Working Week Texts |
T559D | Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas |
T559E | Base Entitlement for Leave Accrual |
T559F | Processing of Absence Quota Remainders |
T559G | Quota Generation: Rule for Transfer Times |
T559H | Quota Generation: Text for Transfer Times Rule |
T559J | Convert Leave Types to Quota Types |
T559L | Automatic Absence Quota Generation |
T559M | Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation |
T559N | Texts for Reduction Rules for Leave Accrual |
T559P | Limits for Time Balances |
T559Q | Texts for Time Balance Limits |
T559QT | Transfer Remaining Quota to New Quotas |
T559R | Rounding Rules |
T559S | Texts for Rounding Rules |
T559T | Texts for Leave Accrual Rule |
T559U | Overtime rules |
T559V | Validity Period: Absence Quotas for Default Values |
T559W | Text Table for Time Evaluation Classes |
T559X | Evaluation Classes for Times (Internal Table TIP) |
T559Y | Text Table for Conditions for Employee Times |
T559Z | Conditions for Employee Times in Time Evaluation |
T569B | Archiving Information for Cluster B2 |
T569R | Earliest Recalculation Dates for Time Management |
T569W | Texts for Recalculation Categories |
T572B | Illness Texts |
T572E | Control table for additional absence data |
T572F | Event Texts |
T572G | Permitted Values for Events |
T572H | Event Value Texts |
T582Z | Control Table for PA Time Management |
T588N | Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block |
T588O | Screen Modification for Assignment Data |
T589Z | F Status of Each Module Pool and Screen |
T599Y | Convert External Wage Types |
T599Z | Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems |
T7050 | Time Management: Communication Times |
T705A | Attendance/Absence Reasons for Subsystem |
T705B | PDC Processing Statuses |
T705E | Reaction to Error Transaction |
T705F | Work Time Event Type Groups |
T705G | Texts for Work Time Event Type Groups |
T705H | Attendance/Absence Reason Texts for Subsystem |
T705I | Absence/Attendance Reason Grouping |
T705J | Grouping for External Wage Types |
T705K | External Wage Types for Subsystem |
T705L | Indicator: Attendance/Absence Reason |
T705M | Indicator: External Wage Types Grouping |
T705P | Work Time Event Type Groups |
T705Q | External Wage Types Long Texts from Subsystem |
TEVEN | Time Events |
TEVEN_MORE | Additional Data for Time Events |
TEXLGA | Employee Expenditures |
TOBAE | Transfer Times: Control Station Communication |
TOPRK | Log Messages |
TPT_EVENTATTR | Pair Formation: Characteristics of Time Event Types |
TPT_PAIRSTAT2 | Pair Formation: Status Table |
TPT_SLIPSTATE | Time Ticket Generation: Status Table |
TPTEXTAPP | External Application |
TPTEXTAPPT | Text Table for External Applications |
SAP Package PTIM contains 293 views.
ASSOB_HR | Relationship Between HR Master Data and Assignment Objects |
ENT7063 | Collective agreement provision - working time |
ENT7276 | Personnel Time Event Type |
ENT7277 | Personnel Time Event Type Group |
ENT7278 | Pers. Time Event Type Grp - Pers. Time event type - Assignmt |
ENT7280 | Time Type |
ENT7300 | Work Schedule Rule |
ENT7301 | Work Schedule |
ENT7302 | Work Schedule Item |
ENT7304 | Personnel Subarea Grouping - Work Schedule |
ENT7306 | Employee Subgroup Grouping - Work Schedule |
ENT7307 | Period Work Schedule |
ENT7311 | Period Work Schedule Item |
ENT7331 | Public Holiday Type |
ENT7332 | Public Holiday Calendar |
ENT7333 | Public holiday calendar - public holiday type - assignment |
ENT7334 | Public Holiday |
ENT7345 | Absence Quota Type |
ENT7346 | Attendance Quota Type |
ENT7348 | Absence Type |
ENT7349 | Attendance Type |
ENT7385 | Availability Type |
ENT7393 | Substitution Type |
ENT7397 | Overtime Compensation Type |
ENT7441 | Time Wage Type Selection Rule |
H_T508A | Help View for Work Schedule Rules |
H_T508T | Help View for Employee Subgroup Grouping for Work Schedules |
H_T508Z | Help View for Eligibility of PS Grpg for Work Schedules |
H_T510P | Help View for Eligibility of Premium Indicators |
H_T510T | Help View for Eligibility of Premium Numbers |
H_T510V | Help View: Processing Types |
H_T514D | Forms of Classes TEDT and TELU |
H_T533 | Help View for Eligibility of Leave Types |
H_T538A | Help View for Table T538A |
H_T538C | Help View for Table T538C |
H_T550A | Help View for Daily Work Schedules |
H_T550P | Help View for Eligibility of Work Break Schedules |
H_T550S | Help View for Eligibility of Daily Work Schedules |
H_T550X | Help View for Eligibility of Daily WS Selection Rules |
H_T551A | Help View for Eligibility of Period Work Schedules |
H_T551C | Help View for Eligibility of Counting Classes for Period WS |
H_T551S | Help View for Eligibility of Period Work Schedules |
H_T553A | Help View for Eligibility of Day Type Definition Rules |
H_T553T | Help View for Day Types |
H_T554C | Help View T554C |
H_T554D | Help View for Table T554D |
H_T554G | Help View for Table T554G |
H_T554O | Helpview for Table T554O |
H_T554P | Help View for Eligibility of Absence Categories |
H_T554S | Help View for Absence Types |
H_T554T | Help View for Eligibility of Attendances/Absences |
H_T554V | Help View for Table T554V |
H_T554X | Help View for Absence Counting |
H_T554Y | Help View for Eligibility of Time Constraint Classes |
H_T555A | Time Transfer Specifications |
H_T555E | Generated Help View for Check Table T555E |
H_T555H | Generated Help View for Check Table T555H |
H_T555P | Time Transfer Specifications |
H_T555R | Help View for Overtime Compensation Type |
H_T555T | Help View for Eligibility of Compensation Types |
H_T555V | Generated Help View for Check Table T555V |
H_T556 | Generated Help View for Check Table T556 |
H_T556A | Help View for Eligibility of Absence Quotas |
H_T556B | Help View for Absence Quotas |
H_T556P | Help View for Eligibility of Attendance Quotas |
H_T556Q | Help View for Eligibility of Attendance Quotas |
H_T557 | Help View for Availability Types (Infotype 2004) |
H_T572B | HR Time: Description of Illness |
H_T703L | Help View for Time Ticket Types |
H_T703S | Help View for Premium Formulas |
H_T703W | Help View for Parameters and Result Types |
H_T703Z | Help View for Allowed Parameters and Result Types |
H_T705D | View for Function Code Texts |
H_THOL | Help View for Public Holidays |
PA2001_UGR | Only for XPRA RPUQTA50 Upgrade |
PA2002_UGR | Only for XPRA RPUQTA50 Upgrade |
PA2006_UGR | Only for XPRA RPUQTA50 |
PA2007_UGR | Only for XPRA RPUQTA50 |
U_17275 | Employee - personnel time recording system information |
U_17277 | Personnel Time Event Type Group |
U_17283 | Employee - personnel time transfer specification |
U_17285 | Employee - personnel time event |
U_17297 | Employee Status - Personnel Time Management |
U_17308 | Daily work schedule group |
U_17309 | Daily work schedule |
U_17312 | Work break schedule |
U_17313 | Work break |
U_17325 | Daily work schedule selection rule - work schedule |
U_17347 | Absence type grouping - absence valuation rule |
U_17360 | Employee - absence quota statement |
U_17361 | Employee - absence specifications - actual |
U_17365 | Birth type |
U_17366 | Special leave rule - maternity protection |
U_17368 | Employee - maternity protection information |
U_17370 | Employee - attendance quota statement |
U_17371 | Employee - attendance specifications - actual |
U_17386 | Employee - availability for duty |
U_17389 | Special Leave Rule - Military/Non Military Service |
U_17391 | Employee - Military/Non Military Service Information |
U_17394 | Employee - shift schedule specifications |
U_17395 | Employee - overtime specifications - actual |
U_17446 | Time wage type selection rule group |
U_27300 | Employee - absence quota correction specification |
U_27316 | Daily work schedule interval |
U_27319 | General work scheduling specifications |
U_27320 | Day type |
U_27322 | Day type determination rule |
U_27325 | Daily work schedule determination - time event based |
U_27326 | Daily work schedule determination - overlap based |
U_27327 | Employee Expenditure |
U_27333 | Period w. sched. - period w. sched. grouping - assignment |
U_27337 | Bonus Type |
U_27339 | Bonus Value |
U_27340 | Employee - pers. time - pers. cost assignment specification |
U_27341 | Employee - pers. time - activity allocation specification |
U_27342 | Employee - Pers. Time - External Service Specification |
U_27343 | Employee - personnel time payment specification |
U_27344 | Personnel time transfer regulation item - pers. time balance |
U_27345 | Pers. time transfer regulation item - remuneration specif. |
U_27346 | Personnel time transfer regulation item - absence quota |
U_27347 | Employee - attendance specifications - plan |
U_27348 | Employee - overtime specifications - plan |
U_27349 | Employee - absence specifications - plan |
U_27350 | Employee - availability specifications - plan |
U_27351 | Attendance/absence counting rule |
U_27354 | Attendance/absence counting rule item |
U_27355 | Personnel time rounding rule |
U_27356 | Personnel time quota deduction rule |
U_27359 | Absence valuation rule item |
U_27360 | Day Determination Rule - Absence Valuation |
U_27361 | Absence Counting Class |
U_27364 | Access control group - entry points |
U_27365 | Access control group - time restricted |
U_27366 | Absence Quota Reduction Rule |
U_27368 | Additional absence input type |
U_27369 | Additional absence input value |
U_27374 | Absence Quota Entitlement Basis Rule |
U_27375 | Absence Quota Validity/Deduction Interval Rule |
U_27376 | Absence Quota Accrual Rule |
U_27377 | Time balance limits |
U_27378 | Personnel time evaluation message type |
U_27379 | Quota deduction - division |
U_27380NEW | Personnel time transfer regulation |
U_27381 | Employee - pers. time specifications - time account posting |
U_27382 | Employee - daily personnel times |
U_27383 | Employee - financial absence quota compensation |
U_27384 | Employee - financial abs. quota comp. - time account posting |
U_27387 | Employee - planned working time specification - operative |
U_27395 | Working week type |
U_27399 | Employee - remuneration specification - operative |
U_27553 | Employee - additional remuneration specif. - payment specif. |
U_27555 | Employee - remun. specif. - pers. cost assignment specif. |
U_27556 | Employee - remun. specif. - activity allocation specif. |
U_27800 | Personnel Time Balance Value Limit Rule |
U_27804 | Absence Quota Entitlement Basis Rule Item |
U_27806 | Absence Quota Financial Compensation Regulation |
U_27807 | Absence Valuation Rule Item - Wage Type |
U_27808 | Absence Valuation Rule Item - Personnel Time Account |
U_27809 | Absence Quota Financial Compensation Regulation Item |
U_27810 | Absence Quota Financial Comp. Regulation Item - Subdivision |
U_27811 | Absence Valuation - Quota Deduction |
U_27812 | Absence Valuation - Quota Deduction Item |
U_27813 | Personnel Time Quota Deduction Rule Item |
U_27815 | Time Type Determination - Duration Based |
U_27816 | Time Type Determination - Clock-Time Based |
U_27819 | Time Recording Subsystem Grouping |
U_27820 | Wage Type Group - Personnel Time Recording Subsystem |
U_27821 | Wage Type - Personnel Time Recording Subsystem |
U_27822 | Att./Absence Type Group - Pers. Time Recording Subsystem |
U_27823 | Attendance/Absence Type - Pers. Time Recording Subsystem |
V_001P_B | Personnel Subarea Grouping for Leave |
V_001P_D | Personnel Subarea Grouping for Absence/Attendance Types |
V_001P_E | Pers. Subarea Grouping for Substitution/Availability Types |
V_001P_F | Personnel Subarea Grouping for Attendance/Absence Counting |
V_001P_H | Personnel Subarea Grouping for Time Recording |
V_001P_I | Personnel Subarea Grouping for Time Quota Type |
V_001P_J | Personnel Subarea Grouping for Premiums |
V_001P_M | Assign Personnel Subarea to Public Holiday Calendar |
V_001P_N | Personnel Subarea Grouping for Work Schedules |
V_17326 | Daily work schedule selection rule - att./absence counting |
V_533_B | Automatic Leave Generation |
V_550A_B | Daily Work Schedules: Permissibility for Availability |
V_550X_B | Daily Work Schedule Rules for Absence Recording |
V_551C_B | Valuation Class for Period Work Schedule |
V_554C_E | Absence Valuation: 'As if' Principle (Regular and OC) |
V_554S_A | Attendance: Counting and Quota Deduction |
V_554S_B | Absence: Input Checks |
V_554S_C | Absence: Calendar Control |
V_554S_D | Attendance: Calendar Control |
V_554S_E | Absence: Time Evaluation |
V_554S_F | Attendance: Time Evaluation |
V_554S_G | Absence: Payment Data |
V_554S_H | Attendance: Payment Data |
V_554S_K | Absence: Public Sector |
V_554S_L | Attendance: Civil Service |
V_554S_M | Absence: Reduction for Quota Accrual |
V_554S_N | Attendance: General Settings |
V_554S_O | Absence: General Settings |
V_554S_P | Absence: Supplementary Absence Data |
V_554S_Q | Absence: Counting and Quota Deduction |
V_554Y_B | Time Constraint Reaction for Time Management Infotypes |
V_556_B | Reduced Hours Substitution |
V_556A_B | Absence Quota Type |
V_556P_B | Attendance Quota Type |
V_556R_B | Deduction Rules for Absence Quotas |
V_T508T | Text for Work Schedule Grouping |
V_T510P | Premium Table |
V_T510S | Time Wage Type Selection Rule |
V_T510V | Processing Type |
V_T510X | WTs Permitted for Transfer from Time Evaluation to MM-SRV |
V_T533 | Leave Types |
V_T550A | Daily Work Schedule |
V_T550P | Work Break Schedule |
V_T550X | Rules to determe variant for monthly WS rule generation |
V_T551A | Period Work Schedule |
V_T551C | Period Work Schedule Valuation |
V_T552V | Dyn. Assgnmnt of DWS: Clock-in Postings |
V_T552W | Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap |
V_T553T | Day Types Text |
V_T554A | Breakdown of Absences After Quota Deduction |
V_T554C | Absence Valuation |
V_T554D | Military Service Ranks |
V_T554E | Counting Classes for Absence Valuation |
V_T554G | Types of Birth |
V_T554H | Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences |
V_T554L | Absence Valuation Rules |
V_T554M | Rule Table: Absences for Maternity Protection |
V_T554P | Symbol for Attendance and Absence |
V_T554R | Day Rules |
V_T554S | Absence: Input Checks |
V_T554S_ESSEX | ESS: Deactivation of attendance/absence types |
V_T554V | Defaults for Absence Types |
V_T554W | Periods of Military Service |
V_T554Y | Global Time Constraint Reaction |
V_T555A | Time Types |
V_T555D | [OBSOLETE, USE NOW V_T705A] Att./Absence Reasons Subsystem |
V_T555E | Time Evaluation Messages |
V_T555H | PDC Group Assignment |
V_T555I | PDC Master Record Information |
V_T555J | Time Transfer Specifications: Transfer to Time Types |
V_T555K | Time Transfer Specifications: Transfer to Wage Types |
V_T555L | Time Transfer Specifications: Transfer to Absence Quotas |
V_T555O | Time Profiles |
V_T555P | Employee Time Transfer Type |
V_T555W | [OBSOLETE, USE NOW V_T705K], Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem |
V_T555Z | Time Type Determination |
V_T556 | Substitution Types |
V_T556A | Absence Quota Type |
V_T556E | Rule Groups for the Refinement of Absences |
V_T556G | Rules for the Refinement of Absences |
V_T556M | Process Partial-Day Absences Using XNAB Function |
V_T556P | Attendance Quota Type |
V_T556R | Deduction Rules for Attendance Quotas |
V_T556U | Quota compensation types |
V_T556W | Assign Wage Types to Quotas to be Compensated |
V_T557 | Availability Type |
V_T559D | Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas |
V_T559E | Base Entitlement for Absence Quota Generation |
V_T559F | Processing of Absence Quota Remainders |
V_T559J | Convert Leave Types to Quota Types |
V_T559L | Absence Quota Type Selection |
V_T559P | Limits for Time Balances |
V_T559QT | Transfer Remaining Quota to New Quotas |
V_T559R | Rounding Rule |
V_T569R | Earliest Recalculation Dates for Time Management |
V_T588N | Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block |
V_T599C_F | pnp 900 |
V_T599F_PY_2 | Organizational Selections (Superset) |
V_T599Y | Convert External Wage Types |
V_T599Z | Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems |
V_T705A | Att./Absence Reasons for Subsystem |
V_T705B | PDC Processing Statuses |
V_T705E | Reaction to Error Transaction |
V_T705I | Grouping for Attendance/Absence |
V_T705J | Grouping for External Wage Types |
V_T705K | Employee Expenditures from Subsystem |
V_T705T | Groupings for Connection to Subsystem |
VV_511K_B_GLMIN_AL0 | Payroll Parameters |
VV_511K_B_LVACR_AL0 | Payroll Parameters |
VV_511K_B_TGMAX_AL0 | Payroll Parameters |
VV_512E_B_SALDO_AL0 | Form-Related Control of Time Types |
VV_512E_B_ZL____AL0 | Form-Related Control of Time Types |
VV_52D7_B_0416_AL0 | Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups |
VV_554C_E0 | Absence valuation: 'As-if' principle (regular) |
VV_T554C_B | Absence Valuation: Special Processing |
VV_T554C_C | Absence valuation: Counting classes (regular) |
VV_T554C_D | Absence valuation: Averages/constants (regular) |
VV_T554C_O | Absence valuation: Offcycle |
VV_T554C_X | Absence valuation: Regular |
VV_T556U_A__AL0 | Quota Compensation Types |
VV_T556W_A__AL0 | Assign Wage Types to Quotas to be Compensated |
VV_T591A_0081___AL0 | Subtype Characteristics |
VV_T591A_0082___AL0 | Subtype Characteristics |
SAP Package PTIM contains 457 structures.
AUTO_OVERT | Automatic Overtime |
BAPIABW | Absence Quotas |
BAPIABWKON | Remaining Absence Quotas |
BAPIP2001 | HR Time Record: Absences Infotype (2001) |
BAPIP2001L | HR Time Record: Absences Infotype (2001) |
BAPIRET2_FIX | Return Parameter |
BLOCK_AB | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block AN |
BLOCK_AN | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block AN |
BLOCK_AV | Structured Presentation of Indiv. Blocks in Time Mgmt Pool |
BLOCK_AWART | Block for Absence/Attendance Types |
BLOCK_C1 | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block C1 |
BLOCK_ED | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block ED |
BLOCK_FE | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block AN |
BLOCK_HD | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block HD |
BLOCK_LGART | Block for Wage Types |
BLOCK_LP | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block LP |
BLOCK_PAIR | Time pair Block Statuses |
BLOCK_ST | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block ST |
BLOCK_V1 | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block V1 |
BLOCK_ZT | Structured Presentation of Single Fields of Block ZT |
BLOCK_ZTART | Block for Time Types |
CC1_BADGEID | CC1: Time Recording ID Numbers |
CC1_EXTERNWAGE | CC1: External Wage Type for Canteen Data |
CC1_EXTERNWAGE_DATA | CC1: External Wage Types for Canteen Data, Data Part |
CC1_TIMEEVENT | CC1: Time Event |
CC1_TIMEEVENT_APL | Different Payment (CC1 Time Events) |
CC1_TIMEEVENT_DATA | CC1: Time Event, Data Part |
CC1_TIMEEVENT_REF | FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (CC1 Time Events) |
CC1TEV_APL | Different Payment (CC1 Time Events) |
CC1TEV_REF | FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (CC1 Time Events) |
COLLI | Collisions |
COLLREC | Colliding HR Records |
CPERIOD | Payroll period |
CURRENCY_HELP | Help for Currencies |
DATE_TIME_LINE | Default Line for Date and Time of Time Infotypes |
DAY_INTERVAL | Interval of Days |
DWN01 | Download: HR Mini-Master Record |
DWN02 | Download: Attendance/Absence Types |
DWN03 | Download: External Wage Types |
E1ABSE1 | CC1: Attendance/Absence Reasons |
E1BP7011_1 | Interface Structure for Infotypes 2001/2002 (w/o AA Objects) |
E1BP7011_2 | Interface Structure for ITs 2001/2002 (Cost Assignment) |
E1BP7011_3 | Interface Structure for ITs 2001/2002 (Activity Allocation) |
E1BP7012_1 | Interface Structure for IT 2010 (w/o Acct Assgnmnt Objects) |
E1BP7012_2 | Interface Structure for Infotype 2010 (Cost Allocation) |
E1BP7012_3 | Interface Structure for Infotype 2010 (Activity Allocation) |
E1BP7013_1 | Structure 1 for Business Object PTimeOverview |
E1BP7013_2 | Structure 2 for Business Object PTimeOverview: Time Types |
E1BP7013_4 | Structure 4 for Business Obj. PTimeOverview: Select Persons |
E1BP7031_1 | Interface Structure for IT 2003: General Info on Day |
E1BP7031_2 | Interface Structure for IT 2003: Interval Info |
E1BPCC1DNATTAB | BAPI Structure for Downloading Absence/Attendance Reasons |
E1BPCC1DNBALAN | BAPI Structure for Downloading Employee Balances |
E1BPCC1DNCOSTC | BAPI Structure for Downloading Cost Centers |
E1BPCC1DNEXTWT | BAPI Structure: Download Permitted Employee Expenditures |
E1BPCC1DNINORD | BAPI Structure for Downloading Internal Orders |
E1BPCC1DNOBJID | BAPI Structure: Download Objects (Positions, for example) |
E1BPCC1DNPERSO | BAPI Structure for Downloading HR Mini-Master Records |
E1BPCC1DNRQEXT | BAPI Structure: Upload Request for Employee Expenditures |
E1BPCC1DNRQTEV | BAPI Structure: Upload Request of Time Events |
E1BPCC1DNTEVGR | BAPI Structure for Downloading Time Event Type Groups |
E1BPCC1DNWBSEL | BAPI Structure for Downloading WBS Elements |
E1BPCC1UPEXTWT | BAPI Structure for Uploading External Wage Types |
E1BPCC1UPTEVEN | BAPI Structure for Uploading Time Events |
E1CONF1 | Confirmations to HR |
E1EXTW1 | CC1: External Wage Types |
E1HRCC1REQUPEXTWT | Header Segment |
E1HRCC1REQUPTEVEN | Header Segment |
E1HRKK1ABSR | HR TIME CC1: Permitted Attendance/Absence Reasons |
E1HRKK1TEVT | HR TIM CC1: Permitted Time Event Types |
E1HRKK1WRKC | HR TIM CC1: Permitted Work Centers |
E1PERS1 | HR Master Data |
E1PTOVERVIEW | Header Segment |
E2ABSE1 | CC1: Attendance/Absence Reasons |
E2CONF1 | Confirmations to HR |
E2EXTW1 | CC1: External Wage Types |
E2PERS1 | HR Master Data |
E3ABSE1 | CC1: Attendance/Absence Reasons |
E3CONF1 | Confirmations to HR |
E3EXTW1 | CC1: External Wage Types |
E3PERS1 | HR Master Data |
FIX_SOLLZ | Planned Working Time for Fixed Working Times |
FORM_TEXTS | Structure for Transferring Forms to the Time Evaluation Log |
GLZ_RAHMEN | Skeleton Time for Flextime |
HRAA_PDOC | Selection Fields for Report RPTPDOC0 |
HRABWKON_2 | Absence Quotas: 2 Decimal Places (=BAPIABWKON) |
HRCOLUMN_TITLES | Column Headers |
HRESS_APPROVERS | HR Time Management: Approver for ESS Leave Request |
HRIF_PROT | Substructure of Interface File for Log |
HRINTERVAL_PER_DAY | Time Interval with Date Specifications |
HRPERIOD_TEDT | Periods in Time Statement |
HRPLOG_STRUC | F1 Help for Data Elements in Log and Time Management |
HRPRESENT_COMMON | Structured Presentation of General Information |
HRPRESENT_TEDT | Structured Presentation of Form Data for Form Class TEDT |
HRPRESENT_TEDT_HD | Structured Presentation of Form Data for Form Class TEDT |
HRPRESENT_TELU | Structured Presentation of Form Data for Form Class TEDT |
HRSHIFTP_WIDE_TABLE | Table with 60 Fields for Maximum 60 Days (inverted) |
HRTEDT_COMMON | General Fields |
HRTIM_ATT_BREAKS | Breaks During Attendances |
HRTIM00_TIME_INTVL | Time Interval: End Time After Start Time, Both > 24 Allowed |
HRTIM00COL_ORGINIAL_ENTRY | Identification of Original Entry for Delimitation |
HRTIM00COL_ORIGINAL_ENTRY | Identification of Original Entry for Delimitation |
HRTIM00WS_ORG_DATA | Master Data for Creating Personal Work Schedule |
HRTIM00WS_PWS_INFO_BUFFER | Buffer for Information from Personal Work Schedule |
HRTIM00WS_PWS_INFO_LINE | Short Description for Personal Work Schedule |
HRTIM00WS_PWS_INFTIES | Infotypes Required for Calculating Personal Work Schedule |
HRTIM00WS_TIME_DATA | Master Data for Creating Personal Work Schedule |
HRTIMEQUOTAS_STRU | Return Structure for Attendance/Absence Quotas |
IURART | Structure for User Exit: Infotype 0005 |
KK1UPTEVEN | Structure for Uploading Time Events |
KONTI_2 | Time Quotas with Number Fields with 2 Decimal Places |
P0005 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement) |
P0005_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0007 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time) |
P0007_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0050 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording Information) |
P0050_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0080 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection) |
P0080_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0081 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service) |
P0081_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0082 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data) |
P0082_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0083 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation) |
P0083_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0416 | HR Structure: Time Quota Compensation |
P0416_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P0416_PROTO | Log Structure for P0416 |
P2001 | HR Time Record: Absences Infotype (2001) |
P2001_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2002 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances) |
P2002_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2003 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions) |
P2003_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2004 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability) |
P2004_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2005 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime) |
P2005_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2005_BREAK | Breaks for Overtime |
P2006 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas) |
P2006_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2006X | Infotype 2006 with Change Indicator |
P2007 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas) |
P2007_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2007X | Infotype 2007 with Change Indicator |
P2010 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.) |
P2010_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2011 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2011 (Time Events) |
P2011_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2012 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications) |
P2012_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2013 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections) |
P2013_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2050 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2050 (Annual Calendar) |
P2050_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2051 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2051 (Monthly Calendar) |
P2051_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2052 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2052 (Weekly Calendar) |
P2052_AF | Additional Query Fields |
P2500 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2500 |
P2501 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2501 |
P2502 | HR Master Record for Infotype 2502 |
P2APL | Different Payment |
P2CKT | Account Allocation to Subsystems |
P2COM | Header for Time Infotypes |
PARX | Display Structure for Absence Counting Classes |
PC25X | Cost Distribution Table C1 |
PC2B0 | Cluster B2: B2 Key |
PC2B1 | Cluster B2: B2 Version |
PC2B2 | Cluster B2: Reference |
PC2B3 | Cluster B2: Table SKO |
PC2B4 | Cluster B2: Table VERT |
PC2B5 | Time Balances per Period (Table SALDO) |
PC2B6 | Time Balances per Day (Table ZES) |
PC2B7 | Quota Changes (Table ZKO) |
PC2B8 | Messages (Table FEHLER) |
PC2B9 | Absence Quotas (Table ABWKONTI) |
PC2BA | Personal Work Schedule (Table PSP) |
PC2BB | Attendance Quotas (Table ANWKONTI) |
PC2BC | Overtime (Table MEHR) |
PC2BD | Attendances (Table ANWES) |
PC2BE | On-Call Duty (Table RUFB) |
PC2BF | Time Wage Types (Table ZL) |
PC2BG | Leave Accrual (Table URLAN) |
PC2BH | Variable Balances per Day (Table VS) |
PC2BI | Cumulated Variable Balances (Table CVS) |
PC2BJ | Generating Absence Quotas (Table QTACC) |
PC2BK | Basic Entitlements of Cumulated Quotas (QTBASE) |
PC2BL | Transfer Pool for Quota Deduction (Table QTTRANS) |
PC2BY | Cluster B2: Day Column |
PDC_APL | Different Payment (for Time Tickets) |
PDC_FUND | Fund Accounting |
PDC_REF | FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Tickets) |
PDC04 | Reference Table Structure |
PDC06 | Status of Pair Formation |
PDC07 | Table of Days to Be Recalculated |
PDC09 | Table with Pointer To Incorrect PDC Messages |
PDC10 | Cluster B1: Key |
PDC11 | Cluster B1: Version Administration |
PDC12 | Extract from Infotype 0001 for Cluster B1 |
PDC13 | Extract from Infoype 0007 for Cluster B1 |
PDC14 | Extract from Infotype 0050 for Cluster B1 |
PDC15 | Interface Table: PDC Interface Table |
PDC30 | Quasi-Key of a PDC Message |
PDC31 | Account Assignment of PDC Time Ticket |
PDC31_APL | Different Payment (for Time Tickets) |
PDC31_REF | FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Tickets) |
PDC32 | PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity |
PDC32_2 | PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity |
PDC32_OLD | PDC Time Tickets: Times and Quantity |
PDC53 | Quasi-Temporary Table of Logged-on Employees |
PDC54 | Daily Status Administration |
PDC56 | Quasi-Temporary Fields for Group Work |
PDC60 | HR Mini-Master Record Including Selected Transaction Data |
PDCAD | Structure of Absence Types |
PDCIFT | Interface Table for PDC Time Tickets |
PDCIFT_APL | Different Payment (for Time Tickets) |
PDCMT | Time Recording Data |
PDCMT_APL | Different Payment (CC1 Time Events) |
PDCMT2 | Time Event |
PDCP1 | Upload Individual and Group Confirmations from DASS |
PDCP2 | Upload Processing and Setup Confirmations from DASS |
PDCP3 | Upload Control/Maintenance/Interruption from DASS |
PDCP4 | Upload Free Record Classes from DASS |
PDCPT | Time Event Pairs |
PDCWST | PDC Time Tickets |
PDCWST_OLD | PDC Time Tickets |
PDEVE | Time Event Data for Input Interface to Analysis Module |
PERTAB | Personnel Number: Groupings per Period |
PEX2000 | Interface Structure for Infotypes 2001/2002 (w/o AA Objects) |
PEX2000_CO | Interface Structure for ITs 2001/2 (Activity Allocation) |
PEX2000_FI | Interface Structure for Infotypes 2001/2 (Cost Assignment) |
PEX2000REF | Interface Structure for Infotypes 2001/2002 (w/o AA Objects) |
PEX2003GEN | Interface Structure IT 2003: General Info - No Acct Assgmt |
PEX2003GEN_FI | Interface Structure IT 2003: General Info - Cost Assignment |
PEX2003GEN_REF | Interface Structure IT 2003: General Info - With Acct Assgmt |
PEX2003SPEC | Interface Structure IT 2003: Intervals - No Account Assgmt |
PEX2003SPEC_FI | Interface Structure IT 2003: Intervals - Cost Assignment |
PEX2003SPEC_REF | Interface Sstructure IT 2003: Intervals - With Acct Assgmt |
PEX2010 | Interface Structure for IT 2010 (w/o Acct Assgnmnt Objects) |
PEX2010_CO | Interface Structure for Infotype 2010 (Activity Allocation) |
PEX2010_FI | Interface Structure for Infotype 2010 (Cost Allocation) |
PEXS2000 | Interface Structure for IT 2001/2 (Field Seln for PS2001/2) |
PEXS2003GEN | Planned Time Specification for a Day: General Specifications |
PEXS2003SPEC | Planned Time Specification for a Day: Interval Description |
PEXS2010 | Interface structure for IT 2010 (Feld Selectn for PS2010) |
PI005 | Data Structure for Leave Overview: Infotype 0005 |
PLL_CONF_ACTIV | Incentive Wages: Activities |
PLL_CONF_QUANT | Incentive Wages: Quantities |
PLL_CONF_TEVEN | Incentive Wages: Times |
PLL80 | Integration with Logistics: Confirmations |
PLL81 | Integration with Logistics: Confirmations with PDSNR |
PLL81_APL | Different Payment (for Time Events) |
PLL81_REF | FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Events) |
PME01 | Limited P0001 Structure for T549B |
PME06 | Decision Table for T549B in Time Management |
PME12 | Field String for Feature: CC/Pl/PlS/PG/PSg and Client |
PME16 | Field String for Feature LLREP: Starting Reports |
PME27 | Field String for Feature: Account Assignment Block |
PME38 | Field String for Feature REPTA |
PME44 | Field String for Features TIMTA, HRSIF |
PME51 | Field String for Feature: Value Limit in Hours |
PME68 | Feature Structure: Coverage History |
PME87 | Structure for Feature T549B |
PME95 | Structure for Feature T549B |
PRESENT_COMMON | Structured Presentation of General Fields |
PRPTM | Structure for Function Module Class RPTM |
PS0005 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0005 (Leave Entitlement) |
PS0007 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0007 (Planned Working Time) |
PS0050 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0050 (Time Recording Info.) |
PS0080 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0080 (Maternity Protection) |
PS0081 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0081 (Military Service) |
PS0082 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data) |
PS0083 | HR Master Record: Infotype 0083 (Leave Compensation) |
PS0416 | Time Quota Compensation Infotype |
PS2001 | Personnel Time Record: Infotype 2001 (Absences) |
PS2002 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2002 (Attendances) |
PS2003 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions) |
PS2004 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2004 (Availability) |
PS2005 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2005 (Overtime) |
PS2006 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2006 (Absence Quotas) |
PS2007 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2007 (Attendance Quotas) |
PS2010 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2010 (Employee Remuneration Info.) |
PS2011 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2011 (Time Events) |
PS2012 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2012 (Time Transfer Specifications) |
PS2013 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2013 (Quota Corrections) |
PS2052 | HR Time Record: Infotype 2052 (Weekly Calendar) |
PS2500 | Infotype for Personal Work Schedule |
PS2501 | Time and Labor Infotype |
PS2502 | Quota Statuses Infotype |
PSHFT | Screen Fields for Generating Shift Schedule |
PSREF | Assignment Values for HR Objects |
PSREF_CO | CO Assignment Sizes for HR Objects |
PSREF_DYNP | Attributes of Screen Fields in Structure PSREF excl. COBL |
PSREF_FI | FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects |
PSREF_REP | Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (Extract from PSREF) |
PSYMB | Symbolic Account Assignment |
PTABS | Table for Absence Valuation (RPCABS10) |
PTADC_UCCONV | Redefinition of NCALE Bar Without MONDY for RPUCCONVCL |
PTAQ_ACTR | Time Data Extract (Receiver Objects/Activity Allocation) |
PTAQ_ACTS | Time Data Extract (Sender Objects w/o Controlling Area) |
PTAQ_COST | Time Data Extract (Acct Assgnmnt Objects/Cost Assignment) |
PTBUF | Structure T510S Buffer for Generating Wage Types |
PTCC1_SHORT_PROT | Short Log |
PTCLFIELDS | Fields for Calendar Display |
PTCLWEEKFIELDS | Fields for One Week for Calendar |
PTDISDED | Technical Structure of Quota Deduction Display |
PTEV_REP_H | Time Management: Auxiliary Reporting Structure |
PTEXACT | Table wth Action Indicator |
PTEXENQ | Interface Table for Infotypes (Lock Structure) |
PTEXERROR | Error Handling Structure |
PTEXLST | List Output for External Interfaces |
PTEXREF | Interface Table for Infotypes: Acct Assgnmnt Objects |
PTEXSMALL | Status Information on External Interface |
PTIM_ICONS | PT: Icons in PTIM |
PTM_CLST_PERVIEW | Display Structure for Period View RPCLSTB1/B2 |
PTM_CLST_TABVIEW | Display Structure for Table View RPCLSTB1/B2 |
PTM_COV_CHANGE_DATES | Change Dates in Coverage History |
PTM_COV_FRACS_AND_UNITS | Coverage History: Proportions of Absences and Time Unit |
PTM_COV_HISTORY | History for Payment Relevance of Absence Days |
PTM_COV_RULES_TAB | Rules Used to Create Coverage History |
PTM_COV_SELECTED_DATES | Relevant Change Days Specified in Coverage History |
PTM_DZL | Time Wage Types in Day Processing (Table DZL) |
PTM_ENTITLEMENT | Remaining Leave Entitlement from Infotype 0005 |
PTM_ERRTAB | Transfer Structure for FuMo RP_ZRETCD: Error Table |
PTM_MARK_HOURS | Additional Fields for Creation of Coverage History Table |
PTM_MARK_WITH_FRACTION | Markers in Coverage History with Proportion |
PTM_MARKTAB | Markers in Coverage History |
PTM_PDC_MESSAGE | Pair Formation: Error Information |
PTM_PT50_ABS_QUOTAS | Quota Overview: Absence Quotas |
PTM_PT50_TOTALS | Quota Overview: Total Attendance/Absence Quotas |
PTM_PT50_TREEITEMS | Quota Overview: Item Structure |
PTM_PT50TREESNODE | Node Structure of a Simple Tree (Report SAPTREX3) |
PTM_PTAB | Table of Persons for Attendance Check |
PTM_QUOTA | Personnel Time Quotas: Basic Fields |
PTM_SAPMPT50_P2006 | Structure for Printing from PT50: Absence Quotas |
PTM_SAPMPT50_P2007 | Structure for Printing from PT50: Attendance Quotas |
PTM_SAPMPT50_QTACC | Structure for Printing Leave Accrual: Accrual Information |
PTM_SEL_ABSTP | Range Table for Date |
PTM_SEL_AWART | Range Table for Absences |
PTM_SEL_DATUM | Range Table for Date |
PTM_SEL_KENN1 | Range Table for Subsequent Illness Indicator |
PTM_SEL_KENN2 | Range Table for Repeated Illnesses Indicator |
PTM_SEL_MARK | Range Table for Selecting |
PTM_SPLITTAB | Splits for Valuation Rules |
PTM_STATUS | Employee Status Table for Attendance Check |
PTM_STATUS_DIM | Structure for the Size of Individual Status Tables |
PTM_TIME_RESULTS | Time Evaluation Results |
PTM_TIMES_PER_DAY | Actual Times for Each Day with Deduction Information |
PTM_TPD_COUNTRY | Country-Specific Payroll Days/Hours for Each Day |
PTM_TRANSFER_HISTORY | Transfer History of Quota Generation |
PTM_TUNITS | Selected Time Units |
PTM_XNAB_SPLITS | Absence Splits in XNAB Function |
PTPRG | Transfer String for SAPLRPTM Report |
PTPSP | HR Transfer Structure: Personal Work Schedule |
PTQUODED_A | Structure for Quota Deduction Buffer |
PTRECTAB | Line for Time Recording for Multiple Persons and Infotypes |
PTWS_TIME_DURATION | HR Transfer Structure: Function module HR_TIME_AND_DURATION |
PURLK | Leave Deduction (Key File PCL1) |
PURLT | Leave Deduction |
PWSBREAK | HR Transfer Structure: Logistics Shift Definition (Breaks) |
PWSDAYGEN | Transfer Structure for WS Function Modules: General Info |
PWSDAYGEN2 | Transfer Structure for WS Function Modules: General Info |
PWSDAYINT | Transfer Structure for WS Func. Modules: Info on Intervals |
PWSGENDAT | Daily Work Schedule: General Information |
PWSHDR | Header for Transfer Structures for WS Function Modules |
PWSINTDAT | Daily Work Schedule: Information on Specific Intervals |
PZI01 | TIP: One Day's Time Data for Time Evaluation |
PZI01_MODIF | Transfer String for fct.module hr_tim_get_text_of_tip_values |
PZI01_TEXT | TIP: One Day's Time Data for Time Evaluation |
PZI02 | Time Balances for Day to be Evaluated (Table TES) |
PZI03 | Pointer to Current Table Entries |
PZI04 | Absences on a Particular Day |
PZI05 | Reduced Hours |
PZI07 | Infotype Time Recording for RPTIME00 |
PZI08 | ZML: Overtime Wage Types for One Day |
PZI09 | TZP: Times of Day |
Q0005 | Screen Fields: Infotype P0005 |
Q0080_DE | Dynpro Fields for Infotype 0080 |
Q0081 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0081 (Military Service) |
Q0082 | Screen Fields: Infotype 0082 (Additional Absence Data) |
Q0083 | Screen Fields: Infotype P0083 (Leave Compensation) |
Q008D | Screen Fields for Infotype 0080 (Germany Only) |
Q0416BTCI | Batch Input Structure for Infotype 0416 |
Q2000 | Screen Fields: Module Pool MP200000 |
Q2003 | Screen Fields: Infotype 2003 (Substitutions) |
Q2006S | Entry Screen: Absence Quota Compensation |
Q2007S | Entry Screen: Absence Quota Compensation |
Q2010 | Screen Fields: Infotypes 2002, 2010 and 2052 |
Q2052 | Fields for Weekly Calendar |
Q2052_DAY | Fields for Individual Days in Structure Q2052 |
Q510S | Screen Field T510S |
Q533 | Automatic Leave Generation |
Q550X | Utility Structure for View of Table T550X |
Q554C | Screen Fields: Table T554C, Screen 1010 |
Q554R | View Fields: Table T554R |
Q554Y | Structure for Displaying Table T554Y |
Q555J | Screen Fields for Tables T555J, T555K and T555L |
Q556A | Absence Quota Types |
Q556C | Absence Counting With/Without Quotas |
Q556P | Attendance Quota Types |
Q556R | Rule for Deduction Sequence for Absence Quotas |
Q556W | Fields for Maintenance Views for Quota Compensation |
Q557 | On-Call Duty Types: Q-Field for On-Call Duty Type |
Q559D | Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas |
Q559E | Structure for Base Entitlement to Leave Accrual |
Q559F | Processing of Absence Quota Remainders |
Q559L | Quota Generation Structure |
Q559M | Reduction Rules for Leave Accrual |
Q559P | View Fields: Table T559P |
Q582Z | Help Structure View Maintenance T582Z |
QILLE | Illness Records for Infotype 2001 (Absences) |
QSTAT | Structure for Scrolling in Time Infotype Lists |
QTPROTO | Log Structure for Generating Absence Quotas |
RP51E | Screen Fields: Error Transaction SAPMP51E |
RP51L | Screen Fields: Quota Overview SAPMPT50 |
RPEXTTHR | Structure for RCATSTHR |
RPFAUSG | Output of Error Messages from RPTIME00 |
RPIEWTXX | Structure for BI Report RPIEWT00 |
RPILVA00 | Transfer Structure for User Exit RPILVA00: Leave Accrual |
RPTABSXXXX | Common Structure for RPTABS20 |
RPTAXXXX | Structure for Report Parameter RPT* |
RPTERR00 | Output Structure for Report RPTERR00 |
RPTEZL00_ALV_OUTPUT | Output Structure RPTEZL00 |
RPTINFTY | List of Infotypes to be Simulated in Time Evaluation |
RPTPERNR | Simulation of Time Evaluation: Personnel Number, Return Code |
RPTXXXXX | Structure Report Parameter RPT* w/ Standard Data Elements |
RPWXXXXX | Structure for Report Parameter RPW* |
T510_HELP | Help Structure for T510 |
T510PHELP | Help Structure for T510P |
T512ZHELP | Help Structure for T554S |
T554SHELP | Help Structure for T554S |
TEVEN_APL | Different Payment (for Time Events) |
TEVEN_REF | FI Assignment Sizes for HR Objects (for Time Events) |
TIM_TMW_COLL_REAC_ENTRY | Entry in Collision Reaction Table in the BLP |
TIM_TMW_MESSAGE_ENTRY_INTERNAL | TMW Message Handler: Int. Work Area for Message Table |
TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_CLBK_INTERN | Application Log: Return Routine Definition (Int. Structure) |
TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_CONT_INTERN | Application Log: Context (Internal Structure) |
TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_PAR_INTERNAL | Application Log: Parameter Name and Value (Int. Structure) |
TIM_TMW_MSG_BAL_S_PARM_INTERN | Application Log: Parameters (Internal Structure) |
TIM_TMW_MSG_CONTEXT_INTERNAL | TMW Message Handler: Message Context (Internal Structure) |
TIM_TMW_MSG_FIELD_ENTRY_INTERN | TMW Message Handler: Fields Relevant to Messages(Int.Struct) |
TIM_TMW_MSG_ORIGIN_INTERNAL | TMW Message Handler: Message Origin Place (Int. Structure) |
TIM_TMW_T100_MSG_INTERNAL | TMW Message Handler: Message Fields T100(Internal Structure) |
TIM_TMWMSGCONTEXT_INTERNAL | TMW Message Handler: Message Context (Internal Structure) |
TIM_TMWMSGPROTOCOL_INTERNAL | TMW Message Handler: Message Log (Internal Structure) |
TIM_TPROG_ENTRY | Work Schedule Structure |
TIME_SET_LINE | Time Interval Repeated Periodically from BEGDA Through ENDDA |
TMAB_DAILY_QUOTA_DEDUCTION | Day-by-Day Quota Deduction for Absence Valuation |
TMAB_QUOTA_INFO | Information on Quota Deduction for Absence Valuation |
TPTEDT | Time Pairs for Exact Day |
WFM_DATES_WA | Determination of Availability |
WFM_PERNR_WA | Transfer Table Structure (Determination of Availability) |
SAP Package PTIM contains 163 programs.
MP000500 | Leave Entitlement Infotype (0005) |
MP000700 | Planned Working Time Infotype (0007) |
MP005000 | Time Recording Infotype (0050) |
MP008000 | Maternity Protection Infotype (0080) |
MP008100 | Military Service Infotype (0081) |
MP008300 | Leave Compensation Infotype (0083) |
MP041600 | Subroutines Infotype 0416 |
MP250000 | Include MAKROS |
MP250100 | Include MAKROS |
MP250200 | Include MAKROS |
MPWPAR00 | Set Parameters for Incentive Wage Transactions |
RBUS7013 | Report for Object Type BUS7013: Employee Time Overview |
RPAFRV00 | Time Events with Errors: Postprocessing |
RPCLSTB1 | Display Cluster B1 of DB PCL1 |
RPCLSTB2 | Display Time Evaluation Results (Cluster B2) |
RPCLSTPC | Display Cluster PC: Personal Calendar |
RPDTGP00 | Daily and Period Work Schedules |
RPIEWT00 | Create Batch Input Session for Employee Expenditures |
RPIEWT01 | List for Table TEXLGA (Employee Expenditures) |
RPIEWT02 | Reorganize Table TEXLGA (Employee Expenditures) |
RPIEWT03 | Employee Expenditures: Incorrect Batch Input Sessions Exist |
RPIEWT04 | Batch Input: Process sessions in batch |
RPILVA00 | Leave Accrual |
RPLMUT00 | Overview of Maternity Data |
RPLTIM00 | Time Recording Overview List |
RPLTIM01 | Time Recording Overview List |
RPQTASCR | Set Data Entry Screen with Default Values for IT2006 |
RPT55400 | Examine table T554S |
RPTABS00 | Attendances/Absences for Each Employee |
RPTABS20 | Attendance/Absence Data: Overview |
RPTABS50 | Attendance/Absence Data: Calendar View |
RPTABS60 | Attendances/Absences: Multiple Employee View |
RPTAPPU0 | Report for Time Leveling |
RPTBAL00 | Cumulated Time Evaluation Results: Time Balances/Wage Types |
RPTBCH00 | Initialization of COVER Table for Absence Refinement |
RPTBOD00 | Report for BUS2079 with Selection |
RPTBOD10 | Call for BUS3018 Screen Display |
RPTBOD20 | Display Time Balances |
RPTBPC00 | Generate Personal Calendar: International Version |
RPTBPC10 | Leave Accrual and Quota Deduction |
RPTCC101 | HR-PDC: Download HR Mini-Master |
RPTCC102 | HRPDC: Download Employee Time Balances |
RPTCC103 | HR-PDC: Download Attendance/Absence Reasons |
RPTCC104 | HRPDC: Download Permitted Employee Expenditures |
RPTCC105 | HR-PDC: Download Time Event Type Groupings |
RPTCC106 | HRPDC: Download Upload Request for Time Events |
RPTCC107 | HR-PDC: Download Cost Centers |
RPTCC108 | HRPDC: Download Projects (WBS Elements) |
RPTCC109 | HRPDC: Download Upload Request for Employee Expenditures |
RPTCC110 | HRPDC: Download Objects (such as Positions) |
RPTCC111 | HR-PDC: Download Internal Orders |
RPTCCXDBDEL | Delete Time Events |
RPTCCXDBVIEW | Entire List of All Time Events |
RPTCCXTEST | Test Data Transfer of Time Events |
RPTCMP00 | Time Leveling |
RPTCMP01 | Time Leveling |
RPTDAN00 | Download Absence Reasons to DASS |
RPTDOW00 | Time Accounts |
RPTDSH20 | Daily Work Schedule |
RPTEAB00 | Attendance Check |
RPTEB200 | Example: PU12 Format TIME, Export ZL from Cluster B2 |
RPTEDO00 | Download Mini-Master to Sequential File |
RPTEDT00 | Time Statement Form |
RPTEDT00_NOLIST | Direct to ABAP Memory for Output |
RPTENT00 | Time Recording for Multiple Persons and Infotypes |
RPTERL00 | Time Evaluation Messages Display |
RPTERR00 | Time Management: Error Handling |
RPTERR01 | Time Management: Error Handling |
RPTEUP00 | Upload Time Events from Sequential File |
RPTEUP10 | Upload Time Events |
RPTEXTPT | Transfer Time Data to HR Time Management |
RPTEZL00 | PDC Time Evaluation: Supply Third-Party Payroll System (Example) |
RPTIME00 | HR TIME: Time Evaluation |
RPTIMEOVERVIEW_DELREPLICA | Delete Distribution of Employee's Time Data Overview |
RPTIMEOVERVIEW_REPLICATE | Trigger Distribution of Employee's Time Data Overview |
RPTIST00 | CC2: Transfer HR Actual Times to Logistics |
RPTKOK00 | Check Leave and Quota Deduction |
RPTLEA00 | Leave Overview |
RPTLEA10 | Display Cluster PC Table PURL of DB PCL1 |
RPTLEA30 | Batch Input: Annual Leave |
RPTLEA40 | Overview Graphic of Attendances/Absences |
RPTLEACONV | Transfer of Remaining Leave from Infotype 0005 to Infotype 2006 |
RPTPDOC0 | Transfer Additional Data for Activity Allocation to Accounting |
RPTPDOC1 | Delete Additional Time Data for Activity Allocation |
RPTPSH10 | Personal Work Schedule |
RPTPT50P | Quota Overview |
RPTQTA00 | Generate Absence Quotas |
RPTQTA10 | Display Absence Quota Information |
RPTQUOTA_CHECK | Overview of Customizing Settings for Quota Generation |
RPTSHF00 | Generation of Work Schedules |
RPTUB190 | Debug Cluster B1 (Tool) |
RPTUB290 | Debug Cluster B2 (Tool) |
RPTUPD00 | Revaluation of Attendance/Absence Records using Batch Input |
RPTURL_WCL_TGW | Leave Entitlement for Change in Number of Weekly Working Days |
RPTWSR_SET_WWD | Find and Set Number of Weekly Working Days |
RPTX2010 | Upload EE Remun.Info |
RPU30006 | Convert Incentive Wages Tables T703x |
RPU30007 | Copy Tm.Types for Tm.Transfer from T555A and T555B to T555P and T555Q |
RPU30E01 | Convert IT2012: Time Transfer Specifications |
RPU40A13 | XPRA for Absence Valuation Rules |
RPU40A14 | XPRA for Counting Classes |
RPU40A17 | HR-TIM: KK2 Fill TEVEN_MORE from AFRU |
RPU40A18 | HR-TIM: CC1 Fill CC1TEV from RUECK |
RPU40A50 | Convert rp-sw-554s-unit --> T554S, T554X |
RPU40ATM | Convert Cluster XPRA |
RPU40C03 | XPRA Time Management CC1: Conversion of Tables and Infotype 0050 |
RPU40CAZPREGEL_GET_TEXT | Fill Text Table T508S with Corresponding Texts from Table T551S |
RPUABSATT00 | XPRA for Filling the Internal Document No. (DOCNR) for Att./Absences |
RPUABSATT50 | XPRA for Filling Key Fields for Business Object in Att./Absences |
RPUCB102 | Convert Cluster B1 (PCL1) Submit by RPUCB202 |
RPUCB103 | Convert Cluster B1(PCL1) Submit by RPU40ATM |
RPUCB200 | Convert Cluster B2 (PCL2) Submit by RPUCB202 |
RPUCB202 | Convert Clusters B1(PCL1) and B2(PCL2) XPRA |
RPUCB203 | Convert Cluster B2(PCL2) Submit by RPU40ATM |
RPUCC101 | PT: Conversion BDEGR --> GRAWG, GRELG |
RPUCCONVCL | Unicode Conversion PCL2 and PCL1 Cluster PC (Table NCALE, COVER) |
RPUCG100 | Convert Cluster G1 (PCL1) |
RPUCL100 | Convert Cluster L1 (PCL1) |
RPUCPC00 | Convert cluster PC(PCL1) Submit by RPUCPC50 |
RPUCPC50 | XPRA to Convert Table PCL1, Cluster PC: Version 01 -> 02 |
RPUCUS20 | Customizing: Call Country Grouping Specific Subfeatures |
RPUCUS30 | Customizing: Dynamic Selection of Schema for Maintenance |
RPUCUS40 | Customizing: Utility Report for Transporting Variants |
RPUCUS70 | Time Management |
RPUCZL00 | Convert Cluster ZL (PCL2) |
RPUEMTIM | Time Data on the Euro Conversion Date |
RPUMMLG1 | Convert T512Z IT3003 to T510X |
RPUPTEXDIR00 | XPRA for Structure of Table PTEXDIR |
RPUPTEXDIR50 | XPRA for Structure of Table PTEXDIR |
RPUQTA00 | XPRA for Converting Attendances/Absences and Quotas |
RPUQTA50 | Main XPRA for Converting Atts/Absences and Time Quotas to 4.0A Format |
RPUREOB2 | Reorganization for Cluster B2: Time Evaluation Results |
RPUREOPC | Reorganization for Personal Calendar Cluster |
RPUTPR00 | Revaluate Daily Work Schedules |
RPUWSH00 | Revaluation of the Planned Working Time Infotype (0007) |
RPWAZL00 | Working Times of Time- and Incentive Wage Earners |
RPWI0000 | Batch Input to Incentive Wages |
RPWI1001 | Convert Interface File Between Logistics and PA |
RPWI2000 | Batch Input: Process sessions in batch |
RPWI5000 | Integration with Logistics: Process Batch Input Sessions |
SAPCDHRC | Maintain Communication Parameters for HR Subsystem Coupling |
SAPCDRP1 | Download Daily Work Schedules to DASS |
SAPCDRPA | Transfer of Master Data to Subsystem |
SAPCDRPD | Supply Subsystems with HR Data |
SAPCDRPV | Call Confirmation Dispatcher |
SAPCDT42 | Transfer HR Master Record to PDC System |
SAPCDT43 | Transfer Master Data to PDC Subsystems |
SAPCDT44 | Batch Report for Uploading Time Events from Subsystem |
SAPCDT45 | HR-PDC: Post personnel time events |
SAPCDT46 | Post Work Time Events from PP-PDC |
SAPMP51E | Time Management Pool |
SAPMP51S | Module Pool for Work Schedule Generation |
SAPMPE50 | HR Form Editor |
SAPMPT50 | Quota Overview |
SAPMPT70 | Call PS Reporting Tree PS90 |
SAPMPT71 | Call PS Reporting Tree PS90 |
SAPMTIMCC1MANAGER | Display tables with structure PC27T , New Zealand |
SAPMWS04200009H | Module Pool for Task WS20000081 |
SAPMWS20000081H | Module Pool for Task WS20000081 |
SAP Package PTIM contains 52 search helps.
H_T508A | Help View for Work Schedule Rules |
H_T508T | Help View for Employee Subgroup Grouping for Work Schedules |
H_T508Z | Help View for Eligibility of PS Grpg for Work Schedules |
H_T510P | Help View for Eligibility of Premium Indicators |
H_T510T | Help View for Eligibility of Premium Numbers |
H_T510V | Help View: Processing Types |
H_T514D | Search Help: Form Name for Form Class TEDT/TELU Only |
H_T533 | Help View for Eligibility of Leave Types |
H_T538A | Help View for Table T538A |
H_T538C | Help View for Table T538C |
H_T550A | Help View for Daily Work Schedules |
H_T550P | Help View for Eligibility of Work Break Schedules |
H_T550S | Help View for Eligibility of Daily Work Schedules |
H_T550X | Help View for Eligibility of Daily WS Selection Rules |
H_T551A | Help View for Eligibility of Period Work Schedules |
H_T551C | Help View for Eligibility of Counting Classes for Period WS |
H_T551S | Help View for Eligibility of Period Work Schedules |
H_T553A | Help View for Eligibility of Day Type Definition Rules |
H_T553T | Help View for Day Types |
H_T554C | Absence Valuation (International) |
H_T554D | Help View for Table T554D |
H_T554G | Help View for Table T554G |
H_T554O | Helpview for Table T554O |
H_T554P | Help View for Eligibility of Absence Categories |
H_T554S | Help View for Absence Types |
H_T554T | Help View for Eligibility of Attendances/Absences |
H_T554V | Help View for Table T554V |
H_T554X | Help View for Absence Counting |
H_T554Y | Help View for Eligibility of Time Constraint Classes |
H_T555A | Time Transfer Specifications |
H_T555E | Generated Help View for Check Table T555E |
H_T555H | Generated Help View for Check Table T555H |
H_T555P | Time Transfer Specifications |
H_T555R | Help View for Overtime Compensation Type |
H_T555T | Help View for Eligibility of Compensation Types |
H_T555V | Generated Help View for Check Table T555V |
H_T556 | Generated Help View for Check Table T556 |
H_T556A | Help View for Eligibility of Absence Quotas |
H_T556B | Help View for Absence Quotas |
H_T556C | Attendance/Absence Counting |
H_T556P | Help View for Eligibility of Attendance Quotas |
H_T556Q | Help View for Eligibility of Attendance Quotas |
H_T557 | Help View for Availability Types (Infotype 2004) |
H_T572B | HR Time: Description of Illness |
H_T572E | Generated Help View for Table T572E |
H_T572G | Generated Help View for Table T572G |
H_T703L | Help View for Time Ticket Types |
H_T703S | Help View for Premium Formulas |
H_T703W | Help View for Parameters and Result Types |
H_T703Z | Help View for Allowed Parameters and Result Types |
H_T705D | View for Function Code Texts |
H_THOL | Help View for Public Holidays |
SAP Package PTIM contains 15 message classes.
3H | Meldungen beim Lesen von Customizing Tabellen des HR |
3T | Personen- und Infotypübergreifende Zeiterfassung |
72 | Nachrichtenklasse für Zeitwirtschaftsreports |
AV | Dezentrale Auftragssteuerung DASS |
HRTIM00BAPIDIALOG | Nachrichten für die RETURN-Struktur in Dialog-BAPIs |
HRTIM00BLPIT2010 | Meldungen zu Infotyp 2010 |
HRTIM00COLL | Nachrichten zur Kollision von Zeitinfotypen |
HRTIM00CONV | Fehlermeldungen und Infomeldungen für HRTIM-Umsetzungen |
HRTIM00EXTERN | Externe Schnittstelle zur Zeitwirtschaft |
HRTIM00PAIR | HR: Paarbildung und Lohnscheingenerierung |
HRTIM00REC | Meldungen für Personalzeiterfassung |
HRTIM00VIEW | Meldungen Viewpflege Zeitwirtschaft |
HRTIM00WS | Meldungen im Bereich Arbeitszeitplaene. |
P2 | Meldungen fuer die RP-Zeitwirtschaft |
PT_UI_IA | Fehlermeldungen der Internet-Anwendungen |